Socio-Rhetorical Rhetorolects

ƒ = manuscript; * = powerpoint; ° = audio; *° = audio powerpoint

SR Rhetorolect Essay Libraryƒ

Rhetorolects/Belief Systems Descriptions: Pdf

Blended Rhetorolects/Belief Systems Descriptions: Pdf

SR Rhetorolect Tables

Belief Systems/Rhetorolects Table: Pdf

Hebrew Bible People in Christian Belief Systems/Rhetorolects Table: Pdf

Full Belief Systems/Rhetorolects Table: Pdf

Belief Systems/Rhetorolects Table: Interactive

SR Rhetorolect Audio Library°

Introduction to Belief Systems/Rhetorolects 1: Gospels

Introduction to Belief Systems/Rhetorolects 2: Paul

Introduction to Precreation

SR Rhetorolect PowerPoint Library*

SR Rhetorolect Audio PowerPoint Library

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